People smiling

We have built a reputation through hard work over the years for listening to what’s important, that is you the client. We’ve always held the belief that if we look after you properly and provide more of what you want our business success will follow and this has proved to be exaclty the case.

Our business model is rather different from most of the other mortgage advice firms in a number of ways. We aim to meet our existing clients ongoing needs in addition to looking to help new clients. They receive most of their income from new sales and they aren’t incentivised to give a high level of service to their existing customers.

By contrast, at Leicester Mortgages our focus is on helping you to get the best financial product based on your circumstances - be that mortgages,insurance or health cover. You’ll have a team of experts on hand to guide you through your product options. Your Planner will help you to clarify and define your goals, and create the framework of your Plan to achieve them. He or she & our team will work to ensure that everything gets done and we will monitor and follow up outstanding issues. Your own Team will work with you during the period of your relationship with us to get things done, and you’ll soon experience the results that an effective Plan, properly implemented, can bring.

For more information please contact one of our advisers who will be more than happy to discuss any aspect in more detail.

The advice and processing on all financial products introduced via this website will be handled by an authorised advisor.

Think carefully before securing other debts against your home. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or debt secured on it. The content of the site is for information purposes only and does not constitute financial advice under the financial conduct authority regulations. Actual available rate will depend upon individual circumstances.

© Leicester Mortgage Brokers 2025